Monday, May 23, 2005

I know you have been all waiting for this one!

squamous cell cancer of the tonsil (SCC)


Anonymous said...

Hi Nigel, coping strategy for black day - if you can stand up and put one foot in front of another, get out there and walk along the sea wall in Starcross and look at the gorgeous view across the estuary and breathe in that beautiful fresh sea air. You're glad to be alive, OK!
Then go home and look at the photo of those gorgeous kids.

Anonymous said...


Nigel said...

Big Ron

I am sure they are writing the get well soon cards as we speak.

The funny thing was as I was being taken to the operating theratre the porter said to me " Hello Nige, how are you still reffing..I remember when you sent me off! Talk about grim reaper!

No wonder my tonsil hurts so much!