Tuesday, October 25, 2005

Day 69 - Head and Neck clinic results

Well today is rather strange, it is 6 years to the day that my father died but here I am celebrating being given the all clear from Head and Neck clinic. I have to return in 2 months time, which means it is my second month cancer free.

I left the room wanting to cry, full of pent up emotions and nervous energy I walked out and drifted around the hospital corridor not in celebratory way but a sense of huge relief sweeping over me.

I tend to put cancer to the back of my mind now and try and live for the moment, it is something which makes me look over my shoulder everyday but not for too long.

Just as I shed a tear for my dear dad this morning, they get shorter every year as time makes a great healer.

Keep attacking! N

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Fantastic news to hear! Things moving forward here too. Taking Aimee to see Jamie Cullum at Plymouth Pavilions tonight. She's now had 2 full weekends at home. Review on 8th November - hoping she may be discharged then.
Take care.