In fact fitter now than I have been for the past 10 years - with the start of the rugby season just one month away I need to maintain my fitness - why I hear you say because in my mid forties i wanted to give something back but also train for something that did not involved running more than 6 miles. So I have taken up rugby refereeing. Its fast and furious, keeps you active and is hard work. It is hard work when it involves your voice and hand signals some of which mean that you are somewhat crooked in ones signalling. But proving that cancer is no barrier to living a near normal life.
It is 6 years now and with one or two scares I am ok. Summer is always a difficult time for me as it defines my treatment period - when reading back to the events of July 2005 I can still recall the radiotheraphy sessions and the 17 hours of nasal feeding through a tube.
I am lucky, still here and thank for those who asked :) Keep attacking x