William G, or Gooding as he is known and not be confused Charriot who also shares the unfortunate nature of living in the same house as me, was 6 when I had cancer. At 6 years old he was not aware of the full implications of a father rapidly losing weight, staples in his neck and being fed everything through his nose but he would have guessed something was not like other dads. However we often forget that a parent with a serious illness will place an anxiety burden on a child. I will always remember 4 year old Ellen staring with interest at the staples holding my neck together. I have never asked does she remember it? Children are sufferers as well whether it be as carers or watching their love ones suffer pain and agony the role models being flipped as we are supposedly the strong ones. I have not asked but will when the time is right.
This time tomorrow WG leaves Torquay Boys Grammar School after finishing his exams. 12 years ago I vowed that my job was to get my children to 18 and through School. Part 1 tomorrow is accomplished when my son is a proper adult without the security or encumbrance of a school uniform he is now a proper bloke. I'd hope that I would live to this day and I have. I have to say I have mixed emotions about the event more to do with the lifting of the security blanket that TBGS provides. However we have to let the Colts become Stallions and them to wander free.
Life is about setting a goal and hoping that your health and good luck sees you through. In two years time I hope I am around to wish Ellen Bonn Voyage to adulthood. There is not a day goes by when I do not think about those who I watched slip away whilst in Yeo Ward and feel guilty that I was given this chance to live where their were not, but tomorrow I will feel lucky and remember those who are not so lucky to be around and share magic moments with their children.
Keep attacking !