Cancer treatment left me alive so no sour grapes, I lay in a hospital ward where people died. With partial deafness and physically less able on my left side of my head, neck and shoulder I said bollocks to cancer. Yes Cancer fucked me up mentally, sometimes does now.
It defines my passion for beating discrimination with a big stick in any form and I know what the value of life really means.
So at 54, 13 years off cancer you play 40 mins of full contact rugby against a military side for charity you must be bonkers as cancer fucks you up right?
Nigel you have a life disability that should stop you doing this nonsense right ?
Nope plenty of problems, but never stops me or allows me to whinge, fitter now than I have ever been because I value life. Yes for the past week I hurt, bruised and sore but you know what I am alive, well and kicking and bring on year 14 cancer free.