Sunday, April 09, 2006

Bird Flu and cancer !

It has been a few days since I posted and no I have not been rounding up dead swans in an attempt to rid the World of bird flu. Do you know that you have more chance of winning the national lottery that catching bird flu! Even that statistic did not stop my local surgery last winter being clogged up with old dears ensuring that the flu jab they got, which incidentally did not contain the bird flu strain.

I very rarely watch television news these days preferring to conjure up images in my mind created by radio. However, watching ITV news last night there was a feature on bird flu. They have a "bird flu" control centre and had a number of email enquiries asking ITV news "is it still safe to go to Scotland on holiday" or "can I still race my pidgons" part of my cynical natures thinks that ITV made up these emails, but then again there are people who buy luggage at airports, there must be because there are luggage shops. I have said before what sort of mad fool turns up at heathrow with their underpants in carrier bags! Well someone does!

Onto illness after days of my feet hurting after my run, and some serious drugs from the Doctors I am proud to announce that including online/offline/gift aid donations I raised £627.05p I would like to thank all those people who supported and for those who did not Ihavee marked your card, cancer will after all effect one in three of us, I only hope it is not you or a relative.

Enjoy the day I am off to spot some swans on the river!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

HI Nigel
I think ITV news is the worst of the worst, its National Enquirer on your screen...glad to hear you're still fighting fit, if a little foot sore.