Saturday, April 01, 2006

I am scared - Cancer Research 10k

Ok one day to go and I am going to run it.

£415 plus £93 of gift aid = £508 I have made my target, of course I have to run it.

I know what the condemned man's last nights are like. I witnessed them I was there, I saw it night after night, day after day people coming and going into this life. I have felt the fear, then the tremendous relief of entering the prep room before saying good bye to tWorldlrd and the feeling of waking up drowsy, in pain, alone and afraid.

But this is different, the fear I write about above was daily the minute I knew I had cancer. It is the same fear that haunts me daily, nightly and sneaks up behind me when I am having fun or with friends. There is a moment when it mugs your brain and mind. You stare into space, you think about the oncology ward, who would turn up at your cremation, and tnegativesves, then you are transformed back to real World in an instant.

Tonight's fear is different. I laid out my cancer research t shirt, and my number 197 and burst into tears. I looked at the shirt, it said cancer, "like what I had" or still may have. Of course I will finish tomorrow, of course I will give up and walk or stop if I feel ill. Of course I expect I will cry when I finish it is only normal.

But I am scared, not muscaresres me these days, people do not scare me, threats do not scare me, life does not scare me, what does is running 10k tomorrow morning at 11am!

This time tomorrow will tell, best get some sleep.


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