Sunday, July 19, 2020

Hello my name is Nigel!

As I wrote before I have returned to the #RD&E Hospital as a #Healthcare Assistant.   Last week I worked a full 12 hour night shift in the Emergency Department, where my feet did not touch the ground for 23000 steps then on Saturday I had a very surreal day on a ward that I have a lot of respect for.

As readers maybe aware my radical neck dissection took place in the RD&E, I spent my recovery in Otter Ward.

On Saturday I returned to the place and the very bed bays where I was told I had cancer and then a week later had my life changed.

The surreal nature of the ward staff asking "have you worked here before" and replying no, "but as a patient I know it like the back of my hand"

To be looking after patients in the bays I recovered in was surreal and an honour.  I was not sure how I would mentally deal with the event, but as we were very busy and had lots to do, time flew and I closed a mental challenge and booked my next shift on Otter when I got home.

Keep attacking

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