Well it is midday Monday and a new journey commences.
A journey which sees at 1650 the first radiation session commence and tomorrow at 0200am the first of three Chemo sessions, and at midday tomorrow another radiation theraphy session marking the start of 6 weeks of 1205 daily appointments.
I will be in hospital tonight, but forget burgulary as there is bugger all to pinch, so this will be the only posting of today.
The pain has nearly gone from surgery, but its is too late to worry, as my body has more pins, more pain and more expressions of disapproval to go through.
I can look on the positive side, the boat now called "The Black Pig" gets its first run out on Saturday and I go to Worcester on Sunday and enter a 2 mile 5 furlong selling hurdle race!
Be safe Nigel x
PS: I thought it time to show the real extent of the surgery, this taken the day after surgery.
Dear Nigel,
I have read your pages and I can honestly say it is very moving. I have the greatest respect for you.
I found your pages whilst researching tonsil cancer. I have a cyst on my left tonsil which my ENT specialist wishes to remove, along with the tonsils - to be on the safe side! My reason for concern is that both my parents succumbed to the big C when I was quite young. However, I am also a thrombophiliac and have to take Warfarin every day to anticoagulate, so as you can probably imagine, the Docs are actually loathe to operate in case I bleed. So, I'm stuck with the dilemma of keeping it and itturns out to be something I don't want to keep or I have it out and find out what it is - but run the risk of a major bleed which they wont be able to stop!
Anyway, enough about me, keep attacking!!
Please to meet you matey.
My advice to you is make your own choice, friends and family will offer you a shed load of advice as will medical staff, but remember your own welbeing and most of all mental health.
Medical staff look at matters medically and not mentally and my advice is it something you will have to do for yourself. So try CANCERBACUP they have a free helpline with trained nurses you can call.
Bewarned as well you can do to much reasearch at the end make your decision and stick by it unless circumstances are obvious.
Feel free to drop me a line njgooding2002@aol.com
Keep attcking you mate
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