This is the face mask which helps to "tie" you down to the table.

Once you are strapped into the mask, lasers are used to ensure the equipment is set up correctly.
This blog is a story of my diagnosis, treatment and survival of Cancer. On 19/5/2005 I had confirmed to me that I had a cancer found on a tumour extracted from a Tonsil, squamous cell carcinoma (SCC)which spread to my left neck lymph nodes. I do not or have ever smoked, exercised daily and had a very healthy diet. This log is a quirky, light hearted approach which documented my treatment, and now recovering and living with a cancer that kills one in two people that get it.
looks just the thing for halloween, pity they are not making any more star wars films. Hang in there, bro.xxx
people must think we are seriously weird when I visit in hospital and whip out my camera and now you are doing the same. You know we were talking about making cards & calendars?................ hee hee
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